Portland Metro Arts
Student Showcases
Our yearly Spring Showcases function as progress reports for students’ families and friends. Staff and students put in significant effort for these concerts, showcasing their technical and artistic growth. Crafting art involves a intricate blend of intellect, physicality, and personal creativity. It is a joy and an honor to have been part of this journey with each of our students.
Since 1952, our School has been a chrysalis for thousands, turning regular folks into dazzling performers. It’s like watching a caterpillar become a butterfly! This is where the magic starts, but oh, it doesn’t end there. The memories made here, the performances, and the friendships will stick around for a lifetime. Let the show go on.
Spring Showcase – Dance

Spring Showcase – Music

Spring Music Showcases are Saturday, June 1 @ 4PM and Friday, June 7 @ 6:30PM Please click link below to choose which performance you will attend
Spring Showcase – Theatre

Spring Theatre Showcases are Monday, June 3 and Wednesday, June 5.
Spring Visual Art Gallery

The Spring Visual Arts Gallery will display student artwork from May 21st through May 30th after which students are encouraged to take their artwork home.
PMA Musical Theatre
Once Upon a Time Family Theatre
Metro Dancers
Upcoming Events

Spring Showcase 2024
Dance Department In June, our students are invited to perform in an informal
Spring Dance Showcase for family and friends. Due to the volume of students, this year we will have 2 separate Showcases.
Spring Dance Showcase 1– Tuesday June 4th– 6:30pm-7:30pm
Spring Dance Showcase 2– Thursday June 6th– 6:30pm-7:30pm
Dance Uniform Attire
In lieu of expensive costumes, all participants wear their class uniform. The correct attire for the Spring Dance Showcase is also a guide, when buying dancewear for class. Students should wear their uniform in class all year. Let us know if you have any questions about appropriate dancewear.
Refer to the dancewear requirements for your class, listed HERE
No leotards with attached skirts, decorative trim, sleeves, spaghetti straps or other colors are appropriate. Some uniform supplies are available in the PMA student store.
Private Note to Parents
Girls– Dancers never wear underpants under their dancewear. They become bulky, uncomfortable and end up being visible to everyone in class. It is embarrassing to these young ladies for everyone to see their underpants. Please do not send them to class dressed inappropriately.
Boys—Young boys should put the leotard on first, which will provide the necessary support. Plain black leggings or tights are then worn over the leotard. More mature boys will need to wear a dance belt for support.
Hair Styles & Misc. for Dance Students
For all dancers, hair should be pulled back away from the face. Long hair needs to be secured neatly in a bun, net, hair pins or with a barrette. Short hair should be kept off the face with a headband or barrettes. All jewelry should be left at home and not worn in class or performance. Flying hair or jewelry can cause injury and interferes with movement. It is especially important that no hair decorations be worn. Staff will be available to help with hair.
Class Photos
A class photo will be taken of each class the week of 5/20/24. Your dancer is required to wear their class uniform for their class photos. Copies of the class photo can be purchased through our office until July 7th.
Summer Dance
Register Now! Please don’t skip dance this summer; it really sets everyone back. It is imperative that students continue through the summer to maintain their technical skills. This plea comes from the entire staff. Let’s not spend the first three months of fall term just getting back to where we are now.
Dance Inclusive Camps: Fly Away to Neverland Dance Camp, 4 Arts Camps, Way Off Broadway Camp
Summer Dance Intensive: For Ballet levels 2-4- Essential to maintain your current technique levels.
If you are unable to acquire a class uniform for your child, we do have a limited number of loaners for the class photo and performance. Please let us know as soon as possible what you will need to borrow.
2024 Spring Dance Showcase
On the Day of Performance – June 4th & June 6th
Portland Metro Arts Center
Parking: Parking is limited so arrange car-pooling for your family and guests.
Tri-Met Bus #15 stops at our door.
Seating: Our Spring Showcases are free of charge. Seating is limited, please only invite up to three guests per performer.
Dance Concert Attire: In lieu of expensive costumes, all dancers wear their class uniform. Check our website here for reference: https://pdxmetroarts.org/dance-uniforms/
PLEASE: No hair ribbons, flowers or colored clips/barrettes/beads should be worn. Each class has a headpiece or other item. Dancer’s hair should be pulled back away from the face. For ballet, long and medium length hair in a standard dance bun with hair net. Staff can assist, but dancers must supply their own hairbrush. Every dancer should own one of our hair kits, which are available for $1.50. This kit includes everything they will need.
On the Day of Performance
All performers should come dressed and ready to perform–that means, appropriate clothing and hair. Parents should drop performers as follows: Pre-Dance Students go to the Community Room, Ballet 1-& 2, Tap & Hip Hop dancers to the upstairs Studio, Ballet 3& 4 to the Upstairs Dressing Rooms. Parents can either wait in the Front Studio or in the lobby for the performance to begin. We do not have space for parents in the dressing rooms, as well as performers. Teaching staff will help students prepare.
Arrival Time
5:30pm: For all students who need help with hair or borrowing uniforms.
5:45pm: All other performers
Dancers should be at PMA, with their group, no later than 6:00pm. Opening Curtain is at 6:30pm. Please see that your performers arrive on time wearing appropriate attire.
Filming or Photography during the Performance
You are welcome to take photographs or film your performer, as long as doing so does not interfere with another families’ enjoyment of the performance. However, it is strictly forbidden for any videos or photographs to be posted on any website or social media platforms, as there are legal restrictions to their usage.
During & After the Performance
Dancers will be with their class, before and after their own performance. Without prior approval from PMA, no one will be allowed to leave their group. Dancers will remain with their class until everyone returns to the stage for our final presentation. Once the final presentation is finished, dancers will move to the Front Studio to meet their family. Students with any dancewear, hair decorations, shirts, sashes or skirts belonging to PMA will arrive in the Front Studio a bit later. Please do not take borrowed items home with you.
Class Photos
Copies of the class photo can be purchased at the performance and through our office until July 7th.
Summer Opportunities
Register Now Online: https://pdxmetroarts.org/summer-camps-and-workshops/
It is imperative that students continue to dance through the summer, to maintain their technical skills. Dance technique requires continued practice. It is frustrating for both staff and students to spend the Fall just regaining lost ground. PMA has lots of great options for classes, camps and workshops; really something for everyone. Also, you can register for Fall classes beginning July 15th online at www.PDXMetroArts.org.
Summer Camps & Workshops: 4 Arts, Fly Away to Neverland, All About Art, Music ala Carte, The Play’s The Thing, Acting Adventures, Brush Up Your Shakespeare, Masks, Myths & Legends, Way Off Broadway, Maker’s Workshop, Summer Dance Intensive Summer Music Lessons: Guitar, Piano, Strings, Ukulele, Voice
Dance Class Group Photo Schedule
Class photos will be taken on your normal class day, as listed below.
Except for Wed Hip Hop 1, whose photos will be taken on Saturday 5/25.
These photos are of the entire class group. We will not have time to take photos of individual students.
However, you may take an individual photo yourself, as long as it does not disrupt the group photo process.
Monday 5/20– 4:45pm-6:30pm
Tap- 4:45-5:15
Pre-Dance 1 Mon- 5:15-5:45
Pre-Dance 2 Mon-5:45-6:15
Ballet 1 Mon-6:15-6:45
Tuesday 5/21– 4:30pm-5:30pm
Pre-Dance 1Tue 4:30 – 5:00
Pre-Dance 2 Tue- 4:30-5:00
Ballet 3 – 5:00-5:30
Thursday 5/23– 4:30pm-5:30pm
Ballet 1 Th – 4:30-5:00
Ballet 2 – 5:00-5:30
Saturday 5/25– 9:15-11:15am
Pre-Dance 1 S – 9:15-9:45
Pre-Dance 2 S – 9:45-10:15
Hip Hop Wed & Sat – 10:15-10:45
Ballet 4/Pointe – 10:45-11:15
Spring Dance Showcase Performances
Your child’s performance date is listed below:
Tuesday June 4th at 6:30pm-
Pre-Dance 1 Mon, Pre-Dance 2 Mon, Pre-Dance 1 Tues, Pre-Dance 2 Tues,
Ballet 1 Mon, Ballet 3, Ballet 4, Tap 1 Mon, Metro Dancers
Thursday June 6th at 6:30pm-
Pre-Dance 1 Sat, Pre-Dance 2 Sat, Ballet 1 Thu, Ballet 2,
Pointe, Hip Hop Wed, Hip Hop Sat, Metro Dancers
If you have any questions, please let your instructor know.
Dance Department Staff:
Mses: Amy, Emilie, Krista, Jillian, Nancy, Nayomi, Sophie
MM: Carter, Damien, Scott
Date | Time | Participants |
Sat, May 4 | 11:15-12:45 | B4 class |
12:45-1:45 | Pointe class/reh | |
2:00-3:30 | Elever' reh | |
Mon, May 6 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Wed, May 8 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Sat, May 11 | 11:15-12:45 | B4 class |
12:45-1:45 | Pointe class/reh | |
2:00-3:30 | Elever' reh | |
Mon, May 13 | 4:45-6:45 | B4 class + Class Photos |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Wed, May 15 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Sat, May 18 | 11:15-12:45 | B4 class |
12:45-1:45 | Pointe class/reh | |
2:00-3:30 | Elever' reh | |
Mon, May 20 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Wed, May 22 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Sat, May 25 | 11:15-12:45 | B4 class |
TBA | 12:45-1:45 | Pointe class/reh |
2:00-3:30 | Elever' reh | |
Mon, May 27 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
TBA | 6:45-7:00 | break |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Wed, May 29 | 5:00-6:45 | B4 class |
6:45-7:00 | break | |
7:00-8:00 | B4 reh | |
Sat, June 1 | 11:15-12:45 | B4 class |
TBA | 12:45-1:45 | Pointe class/reh |
2:00-3:30 | Elever' reh | |
last day of 23/24 School year classes |
You have been working hard to prepare your pieces for the music recital and now the time is almost here! Here are some things you will need to know.
♫ This is a casual gathering of students to show what they’ve learned. While you may dress up if you wish, it isn’t required. You should be comfortable when playing, make sure your clothing doesn’t restrict arms, elbows, or wrists. INAPPROPRIATE attire includes: Old tennis shoes, T shirts, jeans with holes, clogs, large rings, glitzy jewelry, bangle bracelets, and large watches. Pay particular attention to your hands! Clean hands and well-groomed nails are a must. Leave chewing gum at home!
♫ Plan to arrive by 3:45pm, bring your music along to the to the recital even if you have it memorized.
♫ Listen carefully, play well, and bow when you leave, be very quiet while others are playing, and be polite to the other performers and audience members at all times.
♫ You will be seated with your family. Rise and go to the stage when your name is called. Adjust the situation to suit your needs: pianists adjust the bench. Pause and collect your thoughts. Begin when you are ready. When you have finished, step out next to the piano and bow. Be sure to smile!
♫ Don’t worry about forgetting your piece. Think about your music, not the audience. If you are concentrating on your music, you won’t even be thinking about what the audience is thinking about you. Have a good time making music!
Monday– 5:30 pm show will begin with a highly entertaining Improv Show by the Kids Play 1 Monday class followed by a one-act play performed by the Kids Play 2 class. (5:30 is the planned time but as we will need the theatre, I can make it earlier (4:45 or 5:00 in case the ballet class needs it for barre- we should be done by floor work time though). The entire showcase will be between 30 or 40 mins long. Pictures will be taken after the show.