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COVID-19 Information

Welcome to our Fall Season!  To provide classes for the community, we must strictly adhere to state guidelines. Everyone’s patience and cooperation is essential to the success of our programs.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Routine
Mandatory Student Information Form CLICK HERE

Parents must complete the Student Information Form ATTACHED ABOVE.   Only students with completed forms can be allowed into classes, per state guidelines.  Students will be admitted/released ONLY by following our drop off and pick up procedure which will be emailed prior to the start of classes  If your student has already attended a camp this summer, there is no need to submit another form.  If you need to update the form, let us know in a separate email.
Upon arrival all students will be met at the door and have their temperature recorded.  Contact information of transport individuals will also be recorded, in accordance with state mandates.  If the student arrives without a mask covering nose and mouth, one will be assigned.  To limit the number of people in the building, no parents or guardians will be allowed in the building.  Discuss with your child beforehand who will be bringing them, and who is authorized to pick them up. 
Drop off times will be assigned for classes.  Please be timely and follow admittance/release guidelines.  
Attendance & Participation Guidelines
PMA staff, students and their families have created a safe, respectful and nurturing environment that promotes creative learning.  Positive attitudes and encouragement of others are central to our process.  If your child has difficulty complying with the State of Oregon guidelines, you will be alerted to the problem and given an opportunity to remind them of the seriousness of the situation.  If the non-compliance persists, we will have to exclude your child from classes.  Given the official State restrictions, we will have no choice.  On time regular attendance benefits all students.  Please notify our office as soon as possible if your child will be absent. 
Medical Issues and Emergencies
Our goal is for all the students to be happy and safe while they are with us.  All routine illnesses, including flu, colds, pink eye, head lice, etc. will result in having the student stay home for 72 hours of being free of illness.  Any illness that involves fever, cough, shortness of breath or diarrhea will require 10 days of exclusion from the onset of illness.   Please make sure that our office is aware of any allergies, conditions, or special medical or physical needs that your child may have by indicating this on the form ATTACHED ABOVE.  If your child becomes ill while at PMA, you will be notified and required to pick them up immediately. All authorized drop off and pick up contacts must be entered in the FORM ATTACHED ABOVE. 
Risk Assumption and Liability Waiver
Parents and guardians of students assume all risks of injuries or illness and waive the right to legal action against Portland Metro Arts Center and School.  Those who have concerns regarding physical activity should seek the advice of a health care provider before participating in programs.   PMA is not responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings or other personal property in case of fire, theft, or other causes. 
Photo and Publicity Release
Consent is assumed for PMA to take photographs of students to use in brochures, web sites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials that PMA creates.   Permission is also granted for PMA to copyright such photographs in its name.   If you wish for you or your child to be excluded from photographs, please send a written request to our office.
Cell Phones/Calling Home
No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed during instructional sessions.


Portland Metro Arts
9003 S.E. Stark Street
Portland, Oregon 97216-1664

Shorinji Kempo